Conservation issues
Habitat loss and fragmentation occurs due unplanned infrastructure development, conversion of forest to other uses and encroachments.
Forest degradation occurs due to timber felling, fuelwood extraction unsustainable NTFP collection and grazing.
Unplanned tourism and changing land use is mostly happening adjacent to forest areas and is leading to further fragmentation of corridors between forest areas.
Human-Elephant Conflict (HEC) is because all the above are leading to reduced habitats for the wild animals, especially elephants. This is leading to increase in instances of human-elephant conflict. Crop depredation by elephants has become common in many parts of the landscapes.
Poaching and trade, especially poaching of tigers and elephants is an issue in the area and can be a reason for decline in their population. Timber poaching for construction also happens in forest areas close to settlements.
Invasive alien species and forest fires also degrade the forest further and cause damage to the habitat and species composition of the forest.
Forest degradation occurs due to timber felling, fuelwood extraction unsustainable NTFP collection and grazing.
Unplanned tourism and changing land use is mostly happening adjacent to forest areas and is leading to further fragmentation of corridors between forest areas.
Human-Elephant Conflict (HEC) is because all the above are leading to reduced habitats for the wild animals, especially elephants. This is leading to increase in instances of human-elephant conflict. Crop depredation by elephants has become common in many parts of the landscapes.
Poaching and trade, especially poaching of tigers and elephants is an issue in the area and can be a reason for decline in their population. Timber poaching for construction also happens in forest areas close to settlements.
Invasive alien species and forest fires also degrade the forest further and cause damage to the habitat and species composition of the forest.

Local community of Southern Western Ghats Landscape

The landscape faces the threat of habitat fragmentation due unplanned infrastructure development, conversion of forest to other uses and encroachments.