LL.M. in Environmental Law, Energy and Climate Change
WWF-India and O.P. Jindal Global University (Jindal Global Law School) jointly launches India’s first LL.M. Programme in Environmental Law, Energy and Climate Change.
Environment is defined in the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 as that which ‘includes water, air and land and the inter-relationship which exists amongst and between water, air and land and human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organisms and property.’ Environmental Law, thus, encompasses a wide spectrum of different forms of ‘life’ and its inter-play with the natural conditions and surroundings. It has within its purview control and correction of environmental pollution. Environmental pollution, negative fallout of rapid industrialization, urbanization, and now globalization, is sought to be protected in a proactive manner through preventive measures and in case of damage to be compensated through remedial measures. The journey through ages diluted the reverential aspect of environment and brought in gradual exploitation of nature that became more pervasive and systematic, especially, in the aftermath of the industrial revolution and the new nuclear age of the 21st Century. It is during this phase that humanity transitioned from living in a small world on a large planet to inhabiting a large world on a small planet.
With a more ecologically and socially conscious milieu; it is essential to minimize the adverse impacts of pollution and ecological degradation through proper environmental management and international cooperation. This can be done by not just raising awareness of environmental values but also strengthening the delivery capacity of environmental professionals so that they are well equipped to face the challenges in their stream of work.
In order to tackle and find conservation recourse, one must strengthen the human resource pool by creating efficient environmental lawyers. In this context, Centre for Environmental Law (CEL), WWF-India in collaboration with Centre for Post Graduate Legal Studies (CGPLS), O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU) proposes to launch an Academic Programme titled ‘L.L.M. in Environmental Law, Energy and Climate Change’. The Programme covers numerous important subjects such as analyzing alternate energy solutions, available technical knowledge in the field of environment, energy and climate change and how innovations in the field are best implemented. It expands on the role and impact of domestic and international adjudicatory mechanisms on environment, energy and climate change with special reference to a critical examination and assessment of the functioning of the national environmental courts and tribunals. L.L.M. in Environmental Law, Energy and Climate Change is the first of its kind to be taught in India.
With a more ecologically and socially conscious milieu; it is essential to minimize the adverse impacts of pollution and ecological degradation through proper environmental management and international cooperation. This can be done by not just raising awareness of environmental values but also strengthening the delivery capacity of environmental professionals so that they are well equipped to face the challenges in their stream of work.
In order to tackle and find conservation recourse, one must strengthen the human resource pool by creating efficient environmental lawyers. In this context, Centre for Environmental Law (CEL), WWF-India in collaboration with Centre for Post Graduate Legal Studies (CGPLS), O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU) proposes to launch an Academic Programme titled ‘L.L.M. in Environmental Law, Energy and Climate Change’. The Programme covers numerous important subjects such as analyzing alternate energy solutions, available technical knowledge in the field of environment, energy and climate change and how innovations in the field are best implemented. It expands on the role and impact of domestic and international adjudicatory mechanisms on environment, energy and climate change with special reference to a critical examination and assessment of the functioning of the national environmental courts and tribunals. L.L.M. in Environmental Law, Energy and Climate Change is the first of its kind to be taught in India.

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Key contact
Ms. Vinniti Mehta
Sr. Programme Officer,
Centre for Environmental Law, WWF-India
Tel: 011-41504771 / 72
Email: vmehta@wwfindia.net
Mr. Ishan Sodhani
Assistant Manager,
LL.M. - Admissions & Outreach JGLS, O.P Jindal Global University
Tel: +91 741 9595 115
Email: ishan.sodhani@jgu.edu.in
Sr. Programme Officer,
Centre for Environmental Law, WWF-India
Tel: 011-41504771 / 72
Email: vmehta@wwfindia.net
Mr. Ishan Sodhani
Assistant Manager,
LL.M. - Admissions & Outreach JGLS, O.P Jindal Global University
Tel: +91 741 9595 115
Email: ishan.sodhani@jgu.edu.in