Objectives and strategic activities
The vision of developing IGCMC as a leader in providing spatial planning solutions for mitigating impacts of infrastructure on wildlife habitats will imply that the Centre works as per following objectives:
Objective 1
Establish comprehensive and updated spatial database for priority landscapes, river basins and footprint programmes
The Centre will maintain the spatial database on important aspects such as forest cover and its changes, landscape characterization, drainage pattern, human settlement and so forth to be used as reference by different programmes. Further, the Centre will also generate various thematic maps using analysis to share with the landscape field offices with GIS capacity.

The ecological footprint is a monitor of human demand on ecosystems.
Objective 2
Critical and timely support to WWF-India partners for advocacy and influencing government policy decisions
Analysis based on GIS information is important for policy advocacy and management decisions by government agencies. Temporal analysis of GIS data can also be an important monitoring tool, providing vital information on trends, for example critical corridor analysis in terms of its spatial and other land-based characteristics. Similarly, prediction analysis based on GIS data and modelling can be carried out to project changes in domains such as forest similar to REDD+ and for the expansion of urban settlements.

Mr. Suresh Babu, Direct, River Basins & Water Policy, WWF-India addressing the rally in Moradabad
Objective 3
Enhance capacity within WWF-India programmes and partners to implement basic GIS techniques
In the past, the Centre trained the WWF-India field staff on GIS to enable them to generate and interpret spatial data and use them in field monitoring and spot decision-making. The decentralization of capacity is essential to embed GIS at the field decision-making level.

Remote monitoring of the enclosure with tigress
Objectives 4
Strengthen the ability to develop and implement cutting edge spatial tools for conservation and development planning
IGCMC shall fully explore the rich information produced from scientific enquiry, monitoring, management analysis and data processing with the use of analytical models. The use and adaptation of GIS to various types of predictive and prescriptive models relevant to an integrated scientific support programme shall be a major research effort.

Biodiversity Conservation in the Eastern Ghats using Remote Sensing & GIS