Ek Prithvi is an empowering action-oriented environment education model where the whole school is motivated to explore, understand and apply the principles of sustainability in their school ecosystem. It focuses on building conservation leadership among students by enhancing knowledge, skills and action competence to adopt pro-conservation attitudes and sustainable lifestyle choices.

Ek Prithvi aims to embed the approach of environment education into the schools’ education system by empowering teachers with resources and teaching methodologies that enable them to effectively impart environmental awareness.

Since its launch in 2016, the Ek Prithvi programme is empowering more than 1,30,000 students in 200 government schools across 11 Indian states in partnership with the state education departments.


The Ek Prithvi programme engages the whole school (students, teachers and the school estate) through a well-guided journey to ensure that learning and action go hand-in-hand. The major objectives of the programme are:

Building capacity of teachers to facilitate the active implementation of Environment Education in schools.

Building conservation leadership among students through classroom and on-ground activities that enhance knowledge of the environment and appreciation, as well as pro-conservation habits, behaviours and attitudes.

Engaging in advocacy with the government to include environmental education as the major component of a school ecosystem


Student Workbooks
Interactive theme-based workbooks for classes 1 – 12 which aim to inspire behaviour change in students by engaging them in conservation activities.

Teacher Resource Book
Self -guiding lesson plans to assist teachers from classes 1 - 8 in implementing the activities and imparting environment concepts in classes.

Green School Kit- Series of collaterals to make the school campus more environment friendly (Biodiversity Watch Chart, Green Habit Floor Game, Tree ID Cards, School Vision and Mission, Posters on conservation of water, paper, energy, food and vermicomposting).


Partnership with State governments

The programme is implemented in close partnership with the School Education Departments of various states across India.


To help students connect with nature and develop an appreciation for their surrounding environment, we conduct eco-trails and biodiversity workshops. These aim to increase their knowledge of local biodiversity and inspire them to protect and conserve their rich natural heritage.

Teacher and Leadership Training

To build the capacity of principals and teachers, trainings are conducted to help them understand the Ek Prithvi model and the importance of environment education. They are provided with specially created resource material to effectively plan and undertake environment activities, as well as engaging and participatory teaching methodologies

Radio Programmes

Students are encouraged to design and execute radio programmes to spread the message of environment conservation among a wider audience.

Panda Fest

At the end of the academic year, all schools are provided with a platform to come together and share their experiences and learnings. The Panda fest is organised at the state and national level, where the students present various environment projects they executed through the year and showcase the positive impact they made on the environment.

Classroom sessions

Teachers use our Ek Prithvi Manuals to conduct classroom sessions to raise awareness about local environmental challenges and encourage students to think about solutions to address these challenges. This improves knowledge about the environment and builds critical thinking.

To build leadership skills, students are encouraged plan and execute awareness campaigns among their communities.

Greening the School Estate

Students receive an opportunity to practice sustainable lifestyle choices by implementing environment friendly practices in the school campus such as waste segregation, water and energy conservation, vermicomposting, creating kitchen gardens and conducting plantation drives.