Conservation in India today is of species diverse and awe inspiring. The pinnacle of it is the tiger. Ensuring a viable population of tiger in this country remains a daunting task for the conservationists. Protecting it in the wild it still proving difficult even with national and international support. We still have not prevented the gradual decimation of tigers from this country.
Kolkata, on 25thof April 2008 observed a silent protest against the national tragedy of “vanishing stripes”. This was the first such public participation in Eastern Region where thousands took part in a street march to voice their concern on the continuing decline of tigers. A mighty nation of 120 million, a rising economic power in the globe, - India still failing to protect its great natural heritage. The event was aimed as a public drive to give an opportunity for the Tigers to survive in wild, opening a large public forum to understand the issue and realize that the tiger cannot be conserved without the participation of all the citizens in this country.